Net of Knowledge is an exciting, new continuing education platform built specifically for TCM and integrative health practitioners.
We are industry stakeholders who have come together from around the globe with a common mission: to inspire and support practitioners like you in your pursuit of knowledge and growth, so you can keep giving more to the patients and communities you support.
Come learn from some of the brightest minds of our field in our engaging digital environment.
To support your continuous self-development, we wanted to make it easier for you to keep learning from the teachers you love, even when you don’t need the CEUs. A lot of time goes into making the quiz and certificate applications for a course—if you don’t need it, why pay for it?
If you see a course or series you’re interested in, but aren’t sure if you need it towards your CEUs, just purchase the ‘Course Only’ or 'Series Only' option, and start learning right away! If you decide you need the CEUs at a later time, you can purchase the CEU add-on then.
Please note, CEU add-ons can only be applied if you have the course or series in your account, to begin with. If you buy a CEU add-on on its own, you will need to go back and buy the course or series respectively.
You have selected CEUs ONLY option. The CEU add-ons can only be applied to courses you already have in your Net of Knowledge account.
If you have purchased a CEUs ONLY option first by accident, you can come back here and purchase the COURSE ONLY option, and they will link back up automatically.
Introduction, blood letting, original nine needles, Qi versus Blood, Blood and memory, bruising.
30 min - 1 hrsLou vessels, emotions, being authentic.
1 hrs - 1.5 hrsLou clock, 1st Trilogy survival energetics: Lu/LI/St/Sp. Lu and LI: tactile development, St and Sp: digestion emotionally and physically. 2nd Trilogy socialization/interaction energetics: Ht/SI/ Bl/Kid. Ht: communication.
1.5 hrs - 2 hrs9 Palaces, transformation, herbal formula for letting go, SI: pure from impure, criticism. Recorded questions and answers.
2 hrs - 2.5 hrsBl and Kid: fear and panic. 3rd Trilogy: Differentiation energetics: Per/SJ/GB/Liv. Per and SJ: emotional refinement, GB: courage to change, Liv: self definition.
2.5 hrs - 3 hrsTools and protocol to treat Lou: moxa - plum blossom, full and empty Lou, stagnation on meridians.
3 hrs - 3.5 hrsPlum blossom for emotional anguish, why people cut.
3.5 hrs - 4 hrsHarmonizing needle technique as last part of protocol - showing of tools used: Gua Sha, plum blossom, moxa.
Blood, Luo, and the Clock of Life
About Holly Guzman
In 1972, age 13, Holly studied acupuncture with help from the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan where she lived. There, she was given a booklet on curing deaf mutes. A few years later, Holly traveled to the Guang Zhou School for the Deaf Mute in China to see the successful acupuncture protocol in action. She also witnessed acupuncture anesthesia in major surgery, and national health care programs utilizing Chinese herbs. In 1979, Holly attended NESA, and a year later assisted Ted Kaptchuk to open an acupuncture program at a state hospital, a first in 1980. In 1983, Holly joined the first graduating class of ACTCM. Concurrently, she assisted Miriam Lee, (who treated 10 patients an hour, 8 hours a day) and studied with Yat Ki Lai, expert on herbal safety, from Lai’s lineage treating royalty. Lois Johnson M.D., an oncologist, is Holly’s mentor for advanced western herb studies, and Daoist Jeffrey Yuen inspires her applications of Chinese spiritual aspects in health. She has been greatly influenced by Kiiko Matsumoto, known for unsurpassed acupuncture results, with whom Holly continues studies In 1985, Holly became one of the first faculty members of Five Branches University. She returned to the Orient for 7 months in 1987, to continue her training in Chinese medicine including doctorate studies at the Hefei TCM Hospital #1, Beijing TCM Hospital, and, with Kiiko, Manaka Hospital in Japan. Holly regularly lectures at major Chinese Medicine symposiums, one of the very few unpublished speakers with this honor. She is a contributing author in Acupuncture in Practice, The Natural Health First Aid Guide, and Breast Cancer/Breast Health. Holly has practiced in Santa Cruz, CA since 1983, specializing in women’s health, pediatrics, immune issues, cancer, and epilepsy. She currently teaches for the Masters, Doctorate, and Extension programs at Five Branches and offers students clinical training externships at her private practice. Her hobbies include growing Chinese and Western herbs, surfing and beekeeping. Holly Guzman teaches in the Department of TCM Acupuncture.
Some accreditation bodies have course approval expirations. If the approval expires, you will see a notice next to the name with a date of expiration: "[Until YYYY/MM/DD]". Please factor this date into your own renewal deadline. If an approval expires, you will be able to request that it is renewed and we will submit it for you within 2 business days. Renewals normally come back to us after 30 days. If your accreditation body is not listed under the "Approved" section, you may find it under the "Pending" section. That means that it is either currently pending approval, or that it is available for you to request: "[Upon Request]". New course approvals usually come back to us after 45 days. We use an automated system within our platform that allows you to make these requests in an easy and convenient way. Just visit the course page in your Net of Knowledge account and click the "Request Approval" button at the top. Each "Course and CEUs/CPDs" purchase grants you 1 request per accreditation body. If you request a course approval and do not complete it before its new expiration date, you will need to purchase another "CEU/CPD Add-On" to make another request. If the course is ineligible for approval with an accreditation body due to their subject-matter policies, it will be listed as "[Ineligible]", and no requests will be possible for the course.
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Unlimited Access & CEUSYou will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years. CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.
Cancellation PolicyPlease note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.
NoteThis recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.