What You Get
CEUs/PDAs 12
Approved: California [Until 2024/10/01]* (12), IVAS (12), NCCAOM (12), Standard Certificate (12)
LENGTH 12 Hours
Course TYPE Recorded Seminar
ACCESS Mobile, Desktop, Tablet
NOTES Notes are provided with this course.
Course Overview
Face Reading is one of the oldest tools in Chinese Medicine. The face contains a wealth of valuable information for verification purposes and reveals the blueprint of the internal state of health. The face is also a map of life experiences and a mirror of emotions. In this course, participants will be taught how to recognize the various features and areas of the face that correspond to the organs and will learn how to read the numerous clues relating to their function.

Identification from photographs will also be explored. Special attention will be paid to combining traits that amplify and contradict so that an accurate prognosis can be made. Facial prognosis gives practitioners valuable new information that can be used immediately.
  • To teach the diagnostic tools of Facial Diagnosis to increase the accuracy of practitioners’ diagnoses in practice.
  • To help participants recognize the signs from the markings on the face that indicate organ function.
  • To give practitioners more insight into the psychological and emotional components of disease and illness.
  • Outline
    0 hrs - 1.5 hrs

    Signs of Jing and Qi on the Face

    1.5 hrs - 3.5 hrs

    The Facial Map

    3.5 hrs - 4.75 hrs

    The Facial Markings - The Emotional Map

    4.75 hrs - 6 hrs

    Signs from the Shen and Shen Reading

    6 hrs - 7 hrs

    Five Element Features – Water, Wood

    7 hrs - 8 hrs

    Five Element Features – Fire, Earth, Metal

    8 hrs - 9 hrs

    Combining Contradictory and Amplified Traits

    9 hrs - 10 hrs

    Facial Diagnosis – The Body’s Blueprint

    10 hrs - 12 hrs

    Face Reading/Diagnosis Demonstration; Case Studies/Recommended Treatments

    What People Are Saying

    great helpful info to work with in clinical practice. clearly presented with humour and intelligence!

    Kermit S.- Canada

    You will be amazed looking at people in a different way

    Parisa E.- Canada

    Interesting and enjoyable class. Upbeat and informative. I will watch it again! Jen C. USA

    Jennifer M C.- United States of America

    The course was fascinating, fraught with interesting and applicable information for any healing practitioner. Left me with a longing to learn more about face reading.

    Rose L.- United States

    I would highly recommend this teacher. Her depth and breath of knowledge is awesome and inspiring. Few people have the opportunity to be taught by their grandmother and mother...what a wonderful gift. Thank you for sharing

    Paula A.- United States of America

    This was a great course. It is always helpful to have extra observation based diagnostic tools. I have the sense I will need to see a thousand faces to grasp the foundations of this course; and a lifetime of practice. Like CM itself.

    Danit P.- United States of America

    Ms. Bridges is the most knowledgeable person I have heard speak on facial traits and diagnosis! This course has really changed the way I interact with my friends, family, and patients. I feel so much better equipped to diagnose and treat patients based on their facial features and help them move forward with better lifestyle and emotional habits.

    Monique H.- United States of America

    Very interesting

    Maggie M.- United States

    I would definitely recommend this course.

    Julie T.- United States of America

    Lillian provided a wonderful, detailed and insightful navigation of Face Reading in The Body Blueprint Lecture. The lecture was engaging, entertaining and educational. Her examples were helpful and effective. She clearly has a large base of knowledge about face reading and an interest in helping people know who they are. It is definitely worth listening to.

    Sara A.- United States

    Lillian is a master who's face reading knowledge can help practitioners to have deep insights through the face and heal patients more quickly. This level of diagnosis could help change the system of medicine dramatically.

    greg l.- United States of America

    Very personable and relatable. Appreciate all the depth of information that was given.

    Briana s.- United States of America

    The instructor not only knows the material she teaches, she lives and experiences what she teaches daily. I can understand how her extensive knowledge in face reading has benifited all of her clients.

    Mark O.- United States

    Don't hesitate. If you are a practitioner of chinese medicine, given the state of our administration of our craft in the era of telehealth, you need these skills!

    Dexter K.- United States of America

    I would highly recommend this course. I hadn't even finished the course and used only a few of the tips with my patients. They were blown away! So valuable. Fantastic with pediatric patients who can't really tell you whats going on and my older patients who have had a hard life and trying to come out on the good side. She makes things so simple and gives excellent examples to help make a permanent file in understanding and carrying it out to help more people.

    Kathy K.- Canada

    Lillian Bridges is an engaging and knowledgeable presenter. I would highly recommend this informative course to a variety of people in various walks of life.

    Karen M.- Canada

    Lillian is a wonderful, animated instructor with stories that well relate to the patients one sees in their practice. This is a course I would recommend to massage therapists, counselors and anyone who deals with the assisting the public.

    Rhea M.- United States

    Very thorough yet very entertaining course. Ms. Bridges is animated and generous in using stories from her life and practice to illustrate her knowledge. I will now look at faces in a very different way.

    Natalia M.- United States of America

    I would highly recommend this class to Acupuncturists or any one interested in face reading. This presenter is very knowledgeable and offers many case studies and personal stories to aid in relaying the information.

    Marie M.- United States of America

    I am so glad I took Lillian Bridge's course. I've typed clients using Ives Requena's system for some time now and the course has dramatically improved my abilities to see who my clients really are. Also I live in NYC and the course has renewed my interest in watching humanity again! Thank you!

    Jeffrey V.- United States of America

    great study and good knowledge about the face diagnose

    Bee Wah L.- Australia

    I enjoyed Lillian Bridge's face reading course. It was fun, insightful and useful for clinical diagnosis. Well done! Love it!

    Anne Alyse O.- United States

    I would recommend this course to all of my colleagues.

    Amy M.- United States of America

    Wonderful course, engaging and interesting

    Lindsey S.- United States of America

    This course material surpassed my hopes and expectations of learning to recognize patterns and disharmonies through the face! I am looking forward to examining my patients with this new understanding. The course itself was well presented and filled with many great examples and extra info to clearly demonstrate each point. Be prepared to write fast..

    Rita W.- Canada

    This was an exceptional course and I truly learned so much that I can use in my practice. I intend to take her face reading in business course too.

    vanessa w.- United States of America

    Facial Diagnosis

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    About Lillian Bridges

    Renowned author and lecturer, Lillian Bridges is best known as the foremost authority on Face Reading and Diagnosis, introducing both it and Five Element Feng Shui to the West and bringing them back into the field of Chinese Medicine. For over 30 years, she has taught Facial Diagnosis to both health practitioners and business people alike. She is the founder of The Lotus Institute, training students in her apprenticeship program and at continuing education courses at universities and colleges. Lillian is a featured speaker at conferences, conventions, and symposiums around the world, and has been on numerous television and radio shows, and has written for many publications. A contributor to several books on Chinese Medicine, her own book, Face Reading in Chinese Medicine, is a best seller in the genre.

    *CEU/CPD Approvals

    Some accreditation bodies have course approval expirations. If the approval expires, you will see a notice next to the name with a date of expiration: "[Until YYYY/MM/DD]". Please factor this date into your own renewal deadline. If an approval expires, you will be able to request that it is renewed and we will submit it for you within 2 business days. Renewals normally come back to us after 30 days. If your accreditation body is not listed under the "Approved" section, you may find it under the "Pending" section. That means that it is either currently pending approval, or that it is available for you to request: "[Upon Request]". New course approvals usually come back to us after 45 days. We use an automated system within our platform that allows you to make these requests in an easy and convenient way. Just visit the course page in your Net of Knowledge account and click the "Request Approval" button at the top. Each "Course and CEUs/CPDs" purchase grants you 1 request per accreditation body. If you request a course approval and do not complete it before its new expiration date, you will need to purchase another "CEU/CPD Add-On" to make another request. If the course is ineligible for approval with an accreditation body due to their subject-matter policies, it will be listed as "[Ineligible]", and no requests will be possible for the course.

    Accessing Your Course

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    Unlimited Access & CEUS

    You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years. CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.

    Cancellation Policy

    Please note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.


    This recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.

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