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CEUs/PDAs 2.5
Approved: Florida (2.5), NCCAOM (2.5), Standard Certificate (2.5) Pending: California [Upon Request]*
LENGTH 2.5 Hours
Course TYPE Recorded Webinar
ACCESS Mobile, Desktop, Tablet
NOTES Notes are provided with this course.
Course Overview
The increased use of Yoga and Ayurveda around the globe is seen in the media and in our clinics. Patients and clients who are open to East Asian Medicine may also be open to exploring and therefore combining different cultural medicinal, healing, and spiritual practices that influence their health and wellness.

Yoga and Ayurveda are considered, by some scholars of Vedic traditions, to be "Sister Sciences." While many people are familiar with the term "Yoga," many are less familiar with the term or practices of Ayurveda. In addition, many use the term "Yoga" referring to a physical practice of moving the body with the breath. This is a misrepresentation of Yoga and it is creating much disharmony. These misrepresentations trickle into the minds and hearts of patients, clinicians, and the healthcare systems.

Whether you consider yourself an Integrative Medicine practitioner or not, we live in a time when people have more access to cultural practices than ever. It is important as members of the healthcare system to begin unraveling the knots of cultural misrepresentations in our own practices as well as being a role model, guide, leader, and mentor for our patients and clients.

The aim of this course is to give a broad overview of Yoga and Ayurveda and its intersection with East Asian Medicine. In this course, we aim to build a broader understanding of what Yoga and Ayurveda is and how they are similar and different to EAM.
  • Practitioners will be able to define Yoga & Ayurveda and know their similarities and differences.
  • Practitioners will understand how the paradigms and practices of Ayurveda and Yoga are similar and different to East Asian Medicine.
  • Practitioners will feel more informed and comfortable talking to their patients and other integrative medicine healthcare professionals about Yoga and Ayurveda and its intersection with East Asian Medicine.
  • Outline
    0 hrs - 15 min

    Introduction: Learning Objectives. Syllabus for the Course, Disclosures, Why this topic is important. Self evaluation of understanding of concepts of Yoga and Ayurveda.

    15 min - 45 min

    Ayurveda: Defining Ayurveda and brief overview. What makes Ayurveda special as a complete medical system. Ayurveda in the U.S. including credentialing. Overview of therapies used in Ayurveda.

    45 min - 1.25 hrs

    Yoga: Defining Yoga and brief overview. Paths of Yoga. What makes Yoga special. Yoga practices overview.

    1.25 hrs - 1.75 hrs

    Yoga: Brief history of Yoga in the U.S. Capitalism and misrepresentation of Yoga. Credentialing of Yoga Teachers in the U.S.

    1.75 hrs - 2.25 hrs

    Ayurveda and Yoga: Similarities of the two sciences. Differences of the two sciences.

    2.25 hrs - 2.5 hrs

    Comparitive Overview of Ayurveda, Yoga, and East Asian Medicine. Similarities. Differences, Conclusion, References.

    What People Are Saying

    A great course to help identify the similarities and differences of what people are talking about when they speak of using yoga for health

    Michele S.- United States of America

    Introduction to Yoga & Ayurveda for East Asian Medicine & Int. Medicine Practitioners

    As low as $17.50
    In stock

    About Haunani Chong Drake

    Dr. Haunani Chong Drake, [houW-nuh-nee] Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Chinese Medicine practitioner in the United States, an international Yoga and Ayurveda educator, facilitator, and mentor, and adjunct faculty in the A.A.S Yoga Studies program at Pacific College of Health Sciences (PCHS). She is a bridge builder and connector by nature who has served her local, national, and international communities with heart, mind and body wellness for over 20 years. She completed her Ayurveda Wellness Counselor training from the Kerala Ayurveda Academy under Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar, B.A.M.S, in 2010. Since then, Haunani has taught Ayurveda workshops for yoga spaces and trainings and is currently teaching Ayurveda for the Yoga Studies program at PCHS. Because of her unique ability to cross-talk between East Asian Medicine and Ayurveda she is sought out by her colleagues for her unique perspective on both systems of healing and medicine. Haunani regularly gives workshops on topics of stress management, Yoga, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, cultural stewardship, and professional practice and ethics that integrate movement, breath, self-inquiry, neuroscience, and trauma-informed healing processes. Haunani is proud to be a mixed-Asian American born in Hawai’i, a mom of two, and globe-trotting military spouse to an active duty Marine Corps Infantry Officer. She has a reputation for being a passionate and infectious teacher who makes complex topics and theories easy to understand and applicable for life’s complexities. As a clinician who is also involved with her state and national Acupuncture organizations, she is passionate about health equity, supporting underrepresented voices, rebelling against diet culture, and dignity centered medicine. When she’s not geeking out on all things healing and medicine, you’ll find her spending time with her family in nature, traveling, connecting with her Hula Halau, finding the best ramen in town, reading, or listening to podcasts. Haunani holds a B.A. in Sociology with honors from Whitman College (2002), a M.S. in Traditional Oriental Medicine from PCHS (2011), and completed her clinical Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine from PCHS (2023). She received her NCCAOM Diplomate of Oriental Medicine in 2011 and is board licensed in California and Virginia.

    *CEU/CPD Approvals

    Some accreditation bodies have course approval expirations. If the approval expires, you will see a notice next to the name with a date of expiration: "[Until YYYY/MM/DD]". Please factor this date into your own renewal deadline. If an approval expires, you will be able to request that it is renewed and we will submit it for you within 2 business days. Renewals normally come back to us after 30 days. If your accreditation body is not listed under the "Approved" section, you may find it under the "Pending" section. That means that it is either currently pending approval, or that it is available for you to request: "[Upon Request]". New course approvals usually come back to us after 45 days. We use an automated system within our platform that allows you to make these requests in an easy and convenient way. Just visit the course page in your Net of Knowledge account and click the "Request Approval" button at the top. Each "Course and CEUs/CPDs" purchase grants you 1 request per accreditation body. If you request a course approval and do not complete it before its new expiration date, you will need to purchase another "CEU/CPD Add-On" to make another request. If the course is ineligible for approval with an accreditation body due to their subject-matter policies, it will be listed as "[Ineligible]", and no requests will be possible for the course.

    Accessing Your Course

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    Unlimited Access & CEUS

    You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years. CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.

    Cancellation Policy

    Please note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.


    This recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.

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