NuHerbs Jade Dragon Six Flavor Tea - 200 Pills
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Rehmannia Root (Cook) (Shu Di Huang), Chinese Yam Rhizome (Shan Yao), Asiatic Dogwood Fruit (Shan Zhu Yu), Poria Sclerotium (Fu Ling), Asian Water Plantain Rhizome (Ze Xie), Tree Peony Root Bark (Mu Dan Pi)
NuHerbs Co. was founded in 1979 by Dr. Bing Yin Lee as a family herb store in Oakland's Chinatown. Over the years, their little herb store has grown into a leading importer of Chinese herbal formulas, bulk herbs, Chinese Medicine supplies, and other custom products. In spite of this growth, NuHerbs remains a family business guided by a belief in the advancement of Chinese Medicine. By thinking as healers first and business people second, NuHerbs has maintained the trust of practitioners for over three decades.