What You Get
Approved: Florida (3), NCCAOM (3), Standard Certificate (3) Pending: California [Upon Request]*
LENGTH 3 Hours
Course TYPE Recorded Webinar
ACCESS Mobile, Desktop, Tablet
NOTES There are no notes provided with this course.
Course Overview
This six video course begins with a core practice to develop body, breath and mind skill. It then moves on to five practices designed to strengthen and regulate the Five Zang (Kidney, Lung, Stomach/Spleen, Liver and Heart) and to open their related channels. The movements are drawn from the Baduanjin (eight silken movements) and five animal traditions. It is designed for those with at least a basic knowledge of the functions of the five principal organs of Chinese medicine (the Five Zang) and the acupuncture channels. However, the theory and practice are clearly explained and illustrations of the channels are included, so the course is more widely accessible.
  • Cultivation of the body: aligned, integrated movement, elastic strength, the ability to open and lengthen the channels and fascia, balance and stability, physical resilience.
  • Cultivation of breath: deep, lower abdominal/diaphragmatic, slow, integrated with movement, deeply nourishing.
  • Cultivation of the mind: absorbed in the body and breath, calm (lowering agitated Heart fire into the cooling embrace of Kidney wate)r, grounded but open, resilient, intuitive.
  • Cultivation of health and wellbeing.
  • Outline
    0 hrs - 30 min

    Introductory neigong: a 3-part practice to develop equal cultivation of body, breath and mind and help move us into the 'qigong state'.

    30 min - 1 hrs

    The Kidneys: drawn from the baduanjin (eight silken movements) form, this beautiful and nourishing practice strengthens the lower back and legs, stimulates and regulates the Kidney zang, and activates the Kidney and Bladder channels.

    1 hrs - 1.5 hrs

    The Lung: drawn from the five animal crane form, this light and elegant movement opens the Lung zang (especially in the upper back) and lengthens through the Lung channel in the arms.

    1.5 hrs - 2 hrs

    Stomach/Spleen: this movement (Separate Heaven and Earth) from the baduanjin form harmonises the rising and descending functions of the Spleen and Stomach while activating their respective channels through the legs and trunk.

    2 hrs - 2.5 hrs

    Liver: This practice draws on the five animal tiger practice and the baduanjin to activate the Liver and Gall Bladder channels and develop 'warrior spirit'.

    2.5 hrs - 3 hrs

    Heart: drawing on the five animal monkey form, we calm and open the Heart, activate the Heart channel and zang and extend warm-heartedness into the world.

    What People Are Saying

    A very thoughtful, and thorough explanation of Qi Gong. I highly recommend it!

    Donna C.- United States of America

    Qigong for the Five Zang

    As low as $20.00
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    About Peter Deadman

    Peter Deadman has been involved in the so-called 'alternative health' field for 45 years. In 1971 he co-founded Infinity Foods - a natural, organic and macrobiotic food store - in Brighton, England. He then trained in Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbal medicine) and practised for 30 years. He founded The Journal of Chinese Medicine in 1979 and has had a long career writing about and teaching Chinese medicine all over the world. He is co-author of the best-selling A Manual of Acupuncture and author of Live Well Live Long : Teachings from the Chinese Nourishment of Life Tradition. He has practised qigong and other forms of the Chinese internal arts tradition regularly sine 1993 and has taught qigong for many years.

    *CEU/CPD Approvals

    Some accreditation bodies have course approval expirations. If the approval expires, you will see a notice next to the name with a date of expiration: "[Until YYYY/MM/DD]". Please factor this date into your own renewal deadline. If an approval expires, you will be able to request that it is renewed and we will submit it for you within 2 business days. Renewals normally come back to us after 30 days. If your accreditation body is not listed under the "Approved" section, you may find it under the "Pending" section. That means that it is either currently pending approval, or that it is available for you to request: "[Upon Request]". New course approvals usually come back to us after 45 days. We use an automated system within our platform that allows you to make these requests in an easy and convenient way. Just visit the course page in your Net of Knowledge account and click the "Request Approval" button at the top. Each "Course and CEUs/CPDs" purchase grants you 1 request per accreditation body. If you request a course approval and do not complete it before its new expiration date, you will need to purchase another "CEU/CPD Add-On" to make another request. If the course is ineligible for approval with an accreditation body due to their subject-matter policies, it will be listed as "[Ineligible]", and no requests will be possible for the course.

    Accessing Your Course

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    Unlimited Access & CEUS

    You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years. CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.

    Cancellation Policy

    Please note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.


    This recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.

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