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Approved: Florida (7), NCCAOM (7), Standard Certificate (7) Pending: California [Upon Request]*
LENGTH 7 Hours
Course TYPE Studio Recording
ACCESS Mobile, Desktop, Tablet
NOTES Notes are provided with this course.
Course Overview
This course examines the maternal physiology of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum and the associated events and disorders in terms of both Western and Chinese physiology. Clinical insight is provided with 49 genuine cases addressing both proactive care and active are discussed.

It covers:

1. Maternal adaptation in pregnancy: cardiovascular, hormonal, metabolic etc.
2. The pulse in pregnancy
3. Contraindicated acupuncture points and herbs
4. Morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum, gestational diabetes, insomnia, fatigue, prolapse, carpal tunnel, eczema, dry stools, anxiety, threatened miscarriage, vaginal discharge, bowel obstruction
5. Physiology and stages of labour. Lie, position, presentation, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, malpresentation: Breech and posterior position
6. Preparation for labour, cervical ripeness, Bishop score, acupuncture assistance, pre-eclampsia
7. Use of acupuncture in the preparation for labour; Overdue or unestablished labour
8. Time-frames of labour. Support in childbirth to optimize labour outcomes. Facilitating labour with acupuncture. Agpar score.
9. Physical and physiological changes in the puerperium; Involution, genitourinary recovery, pelvic floor, bone density, breasts, hematology, cardiovascular, renal, metabolic and hormonal changes; Postnatal depression and psychosis
10. Recovery from miscarriage; Non-healing episiotomy wound; Postpartum haemorrhage; Anxiety, dizziness, fatigue; Poor milk supply, nipple thrush; Prolapse; Haemorrhoids, Postnatal depression
  • To understand Chinese and Western medicine views of maternal physiology and adaptation to pregnancy, the problems that can arise and the treatment options of Chinese medicine using genuine clinical cases with a focus on individualised treatment
  • To understand the physiology of labour, the relevance of lie and position, risks and complications, treatment for malposition and overdue dates, and the principles of childbirth support to optimise outcomes for mother and child using genuine cases.
  • To understand stages of the puerperium and their significance including involution, haemorrhage, recovery of organs and tissues, bone density, cardiovascular, renal, hormonal and metabolic changes, haematology and psycho-emotional issues.
  • To understand Chinese medicine treatment options for mild postpartum problems as well as more serious problems such as persistent postpartum haemorrhage, failed healing of episiotomy wound, prolapses and postnatal depression using genuine cases.
  • Outline
    0 hrs - 15 min

    This course examines the maternal physiology of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum and the associated events and disorders. To provide clinical insight, 49 genuine clinical cases addressing both proactive care and active are discussed.

    15 min - 1 hrs

    Maternal adaptation in pregnancy: cardiovascular, hormonal, metabolic and other changes. The pulse in pregnancy and contraindicated acupuncture points and herbs are discussed in depth. Relevant Chinese medicine female physiology is explained.

    1 hrs - 2 hrs

    Chinese medicine treatment of morning sickness, hyperemesis gravidarum, gestational diabetes, insomnia, fatigue, prolapse, carpal tunnel, eczema, dry stools, anxiety, threatened miscarriage, vaginal discharge, bowel obstruction (17 genuine cases).

    2 hrs - 3.5 hrs

    Physiology and stages of labour. Lie, position, presentation, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, malpresentation: Breech and posterior position (8 cases).

    3.5 hrs - 4 hrs

    Preparation for labour, cervical ripeneness, Bishop score, acupuncture assistance, pre-eclampsia Use of acupuncture in the preparation for labour (2 cases); Overdue or unestablished labour (6 cases).

    4 hrs - 4.5 hrs

    Time-frames of labour. Support in childbirth to optimise labour outcomes for mother and child. Agpar score. Facilitating labour with acupuncture (easing back pain and nausea, regulating contractions to ease pain and increase efficacy. (3 cases).

    4.5 hrs - 5.5 hrs

    Physical and physiological changes in the puerperium; Pro-active care. Involution, genitourinary recovery, pelvic floor, bone density, breasts, haematology, cardiovascular, renal, metabolic and hormonal changes; Postnatal depression and psychosis.

    5.5 hrs - 7 hrs

    Recovery from termination and miscarriage; Non-healing episiotomy wound; Prolonged postpartum haemorrhage; Anxiety, dizziness, fatigue; Poor milk supply, nipple thrush; Prolapse; Haemorrhoids Postnatal depression.

    Gynaecology & Female Health: Clinical Insights - Course 5

    As low as $40.00
    In stock

    About Robin Marchment

    Robin Marchment BA (Hons), BHSc (Acup), Adv Dip HS (TCM), Cert Gyn (China), Dip Lang (Chinese) Robin is a registered herbalist and acupuncturist, having completed internships at Chinese hospitals in Guangxi and Xi’An where her focus was on gynaecology. She has over 20 years’ clinical experience, running a private practice that centres on women’s and children’s health and attendance in childbirth. She has lectured in Chinese medicine at major Australian universities and colleges, and worked in various capacities for Australian government authorities in the regulatory area of health practice and Chinese medicine. She is the author of Gynaecology Revisited, a text addressing the need for Chinese medicine practitioners to better understand Western medical approaches to gynaecology and obstetrics whilst maintaining the integrity of the Chinese medicine paradigm. She also authored Chinese for TCM Practitioners and co-authored Shang Han Lun Explained, which is a translation and discussion of the seminal text on Chinese medicine written by Zhang Zhong Jing in the 2nd century AD. Robin is passionate about supporting women through every phase of life, sharing her advanced knowledge and clinical experience in the field of Chinese medicine, and advocating for the profession.

    *CEU/CPD Approvals

    Some accreditation bodies have course approval expirations. If the approval expires, you will see a notice next to the name with a date of expiration: "[Until YYYY/MM/DD]". Please factor this date into your own renewal deadline. If an approval expires, you will be able to request that it is renewed and we will submit it for you within 2 business days. Renewals normally come back to us after 30 days. If your accreditation body is not listed under the "Approved" section, you may find it under the "Pending" section. That means that it is either currently pending approval, or that it is available for you to request: "[Upon Request]". New course approvals usually come back to us after 45 days. We use an automated system within our platform that allows you to make these requests in an easy and convenient way. Just visit the course page in your Net of Knowledge account and click the "Request Approval" button at the top. Each "Course and CEUs/CPDs" purchase grants you 1 request per accreditation body. If you request a course approval and do not complete it before its new expiration date, you will need to purchase another "CEU/CPD Add-On" to make another request. If the course is ineligible for approval with an accreditation body due to their subject-matter policies, it will be listed as "[Ineligible]", and no requests will be possible for the course.

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    Unlimited Access & CEUS

    You will have unlimited access to this course for as long as it is on Net of Knowledge, so that you can keep reviewing and learning from it over the years. CEU requirements must be completed within 1 year from the purchase. During this time, you must view the training and complete any required documents to get your certificate. You must also print and save your certificate for your own records.

    Cancellation Policy

    Please note we do not offer refunds for our recorded online courses/webinars.


    This recording is available in an online format only; you will not receive a DVD or physical copy of the recording – it is only available to watch as a course to watch on the internet through your online account.

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